ponedeljek, 30. julij 2018

Exploding Box “Ivarcko Lake” / Škatlica presenečenja “Ivarčko jezero”

Good morning my beautiful people. Here’s is another wedding exploding box “Ivarcko Lake”. This lake is small in my hometown, under the beautiful mountain “Urslja gora”. I wanted to make all these  little details in the exploding box. I used very delicate paper from LemonCraft, a lovely couple Scrapiniec chipboard and I added Wild Orchid Crafts flowers. I hope you’ll like. See you soon!

Challenges / Izzivi:

četrtek, 26. julij 2018

ART DT Dva koktajla prosim / Two cocktails please Altered Wine Glasses

Že je konec meseca in ART DT članice vas v mesecu juliju razveseljujemo z izdelki za Poletje ali Počitnice. In to je tudi moj zadnji projekt kot članica ART teama in vesela sem, da sem lahko bila del tako čudovite ekipe.  Za tople poletni dni sem izdelala dva osvežujoča koktajla na pladnju v mixed medii. Uporabila sem Pentart mat akrilne barve iz Trgovine ART in Bead.si, rožice iz zaloge Wild Orchid Crafts in Fabrica Dekoru papir. Upam, da vam je izdelek všeč. Uživajte v toplih poletnih dneh.
"Heeej...gospod natakar, dva koktajla prosim!"

It's almost the end of the month and for warm summer days, I made two refreshing cocktails on a serving tray in a mixed media as a ART DT member. I used Pentart acrylic colours from crafty store Trgovine ART in Bead.si, added some Wild Orchid Crafts from my stock and Fabrica Decoru papers. I hope you like my project. Enjoy the warm summer days. This is also my last project as a member of ART DT and I'm so glad I was part of such a wonderful team.
"Hey...waitress, two cocktails please!"

Challenges / Izzivi:

sreda, 18. julij 2018

Follow Your Heart Altered Sailboat for Scrapiniec

Hello my creative friends. Here is my new DT project an altered sailboat for Scrapiniec. As you already know that I like summertime and when I'm sitting by the sea, I always wonder: where all these ships sailing, all these boats ... big and small? Are they going to the north, south, east or maybe to the west? And when we lose a compass in our life, will we follow the heart? But this decision is in your hands. You're the sailor of your life.
On this altered sailboat, I combined two amazing chipboards collection: Clouded Hearts and Travel the World. I decided for two dominant colours: brown and blue. I used beautiful Pentart matte acrylic paint: beige, hazelnut and mint. And I added so delicate Prima Marketing blue flowers.

Pozdravljeni. Tudi danes je tukaj DT objava za Scrapiniec, postarana jadrnica. Kot veste obožujem poletja in kadar sedim ob morju, se vedno sprašujem: le kam pljujejo vse tiste ladje, vse tiste jadrnice ... velike in majhne? Ali plujejo proti severu, jugu, vzhodu ali proti zahodu? In ko v življenju izgubimo kompas, ali bomo sledili srcu? Ampak ta odločitev je v vaših rokah. Vi ste kapitan svojega življenja. 
Na postarani jadrnici sem kombinirala dva prelepa laserska izezka: Clouded Hearts in Travel the World. Odločila sem se za dve prevladujoči bravi: rjavo in modro. Uporabila sem čudovite Pentart mat akrilne barve: bež (0062), lešnik rjava (14104) in mint. Vse barve lahko nabavite v trgovinah Art in Bead.si In na koncu sem dodala še nežne Prima Marketing modre rože.

Challenges / Izzivi:
4. Mixed Media & Art - July Moodboard Sea Fantasies I was inspired by the colours, the boat, the seashells and texture.