četrtek, 29. marec 2018

Easter or Spring Decoration "Lilly of the Valley" for Scrapiniec

Hello friends. Today I'm with you with my new DT project on Scrapiniec blog. Easter is at the front of the door and I made a colorful decoration. I used old wine glasses and designed Easter decoration in mixed media. Because I’ve three kids, I’ve chosen wonderful colors for them. This color scale is also on a monthly challenge Lindy’s Gang. I used only Magical powders: Tilt-a-wheel Teal, Loscious Lime and Raspberry Lemonade. All the eggs are painted with Magical shaker Yodeling Yellow. The eggs in yellow colors also represent the Sun and a new life. On the eggs I added beautiful Scrapiniec chipboards “Lilly of the Valley” and cut some flowers out of paper Graphic 45. I hope you like my decoration and you still have time to design your Easter or Spring decoration. Happy Easter!

Pozdravljeni. Danes sem spet z vami in z novim izdelkom na Scrapiniec blogu. Pred vrati je že Velika noč in naredila sem pisano dekoracijo. Uporabila sem stare vinske kozarce in oblikovala Velikonočno dekoracijo v mixed medii. Ker imam tri otroke, sem za njih izbrala barve. Ta barvna lestvica je tudi na mesečnem izzivu Lindy's Gang. Uporabila sem samo Magical prahce: Tilt-a-wheel Teal, Loscious Lime in Rasperry Lemonade.  Jajčke pa sem pobarvala z Magical shaker Yodeling Yellow. Jajca v rumeni barvi predstavljajo Sonce in novo življenje. Na njih sem dodala čudovite Scrapiniec izrezke "Lilly of the Valley" - solzice in izrezala nekaj rožic iz papirja Graphic 45. Upam, da vam je dekoracija všeč in še vedno imate nekaj časa, da oblikujete svojo Velikonočno ali pomladno dekoracijo. Vesele Velikonočne praznike!

Challenges / Izzivi:

10. Mixed Media Warriors - # 26. Spring Moodboard Inspiration: three colors, flowers, texture

Mixed Media Embroidery Hoop “Celebrate Spring” / Lesen obroč “Proslavljanje pomladi”

How are you today? I hope you’re better than me, because I’m still sick and without any energy. Here is my second embroidery hoop made in mixed media, this time in the shape of egg. I really miss warm weather and Spring colors. I’ve “caught” some soft and bright colors with beautiful Lindy’s Gang sprays: Loscious Lime, Rusty Lantern Lime and Magical powder Luscious Lime and added a lots of Prima Marketing flowers. And of course, the delicate Scrapiniec chipboards are hidden between the flowers. I hope you like my project.

Kako ste? Upam, da boljše kot jaz, saj sem še vedno bolana in brez energije. Tukaj je že drugi obroč za vezenje v mixed medii, tokrat v obliki jajca. Pogrešam toplo vreme in pomladne barve. Nekaj nežnih in svetlih barv sem “ujela” z Lindy’s Gang spreji: Loscious Lime, Rusty Lantern Lime  in Magical prahcem Luscious Lime, in dodala sem veliko Prima Marketing rožic. Seveda se med rožicami skrivajo nežni Scrapiniec izrezki: vejice in ptičji hišici. Upam, da vam je izdelek všeč.

sreda, 28. marec 2018

Exploding Box “Mamma’s Porch” / Škatlica presenečenja “Mamina veranda”

Hello my dear friends. Today I'm with you with my first project as a Scrapiniec Design Team Member and I'm so excited. Thank you dear Dominika for this wonderful "adventure" that awaits me this year with amazing DT ladies. And as I wrote in yesterday's blog post, I had two workshops in Maribor called "6. Creative Week with Art Maribor 12.3. - 17.3.2018". And here I present to you second workshop, where we created an exploding box and designed with a wonderful chipboard collection "Mamma's Porch" and Maja Design papers. Here is my first workshop Dream Catcher.

Pozdravljeni. Danes sem prvič z vami tudi na Scrapiniec blogu kot DT članica in zelo sem navdušena. Hvala draga Dominika za čudovito dogodivščino, ki me čaka v tem letu s krasnimi DT članicami. Kot sem že včeraj napisala na blogu, sem na Artovem kreativnem tednu imela dve delavnici, kjer smo izdelali škatlico presenečenja in jo oblikovali s čudovito kolekcijo Scrapiniec izrezki "Mamma's Porch" in Maja Design papirji. Tukaj je prva delavnica Lovilec sanj.

Some photos that captured the positive atmosphere with my amazing students:
In še nekaj folk, ki so ujele pozitivno vzdušje z mojimi učenkami:

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed my project and are inspired by it.
I wish you to have a very creative day and we'll see you soon.

Hvala in upam, da ste uživali in da vam bo izdelek v inspiracijo.