četrtek, 24. januar 2019
četrtek, 17. januar 2019
petek, 11. januar 2019
Voščilnica zgibanka “La Vie en Rose” / Accordion Card “La Vie en Rose” for MM Warriors
Hello beautiful creative souls. Today I'm on Mixed Media Warriors blog with my new DT inspiration. Did you see our January Moodboard "Let's Get Party"? I really love this explosion of colours, but I stayed in my safe frames and I chose four colours: pink in different shades, yellow, brown with gold shades and black. For the 18th birthday party, I created a beautiful accordion card "La Vie en Rose". La Vie en Rose means like "Life is Pink" and it would be better translated to life through rosy (pink) glasses: everything around you is a source of joy. I used amazing Prima Marketing paper & flowers collection “Misty Rose” and added some different chipboards. I hope you’ll my project and it inspires you to make your own creation.
sreda, 9. januar 2019
Vabila za sveto birmo / Confirmation Invitations
Pozdravljeni. Danes z vami delim nežna vabila za sveto birmo, ki pa sem jih oblikovala v mixed medii. Uporabila sem čudovit laserski izrez Anemone in LemonCraft papir. Izrez sem prilepila na čipkast prtiček in beli sisal. Dodala sem vijolične perlice, Pentart drobne okrasne kamenčke in rožici. Upam, da vam bodo vabila všeč in morda navdih v tem letu. Želim vam lep dan in se oglasim v petek z novim izdelkom.
ponedeljek, 7. januar 2019
Škatlica presenečenja K-24 / Exploding box K-24
Pozdravljeni. Tokratno škatlico presenečenja ste lahko zasledili že na FB in sem jo izdelala že pred tedni, ampak ker je nekaj posebnega, sem se odločila, da jo predstavim še na blogu. Škatlica presenečenja “K-24” je gorsko obarvana in je bila podarjena za 50. rojstni dan. K-24 je najtežji koroški ekstremni gorski izziv, ki povezuje pet vrhov: Peco, Olševo, Raduho, Smrekovec in Uršljo goro. Za prestižno članstvo v gorski klub K-24 je potrebno v manj kot 24 urah prehoditi cca. 90 km in premagati 5.000 m vzponov. Noro, kajne? Morda pa bo komu nov izziv v letu 2019. Želim vam čudovit ustvarjalen dan!
Hello. Here is a new birthday exploding box made few weeks ago with Maja Design papers. The Koroska mountain (Slovenia) challenge K-24 is an cca 90 km long route featuring ascents on the five highest peaks in Koroska: Peca, Olseva, Raduha, Smrekovec and Urslja gora. The most endurable and adventurous mountaineers who complete the trail in less than 24 hours become the members of the prestige Club 24. Crazy or what! And maybe a challenge for this year? Have a nice day.
četrtek, 3. januar 2019
Škatlica presenečenja ob krstu / Winter Exploding Baptism Box for Scrapiniec
Hello beautiful crafty souls. I hope you’ve perfectly “jumped” into the New Year! And here’s my second blog post in 2019. Today I’m on the Scrapiniec blog with a lovely DT project for a baptismal gift. A baby christening is a joyful event shared by close family and friends. And for this special day, I designed a personalized wintery exploding box with a little fimo baby boy inside. I also used beautiful Scrapiniec chipboard "Mistletoe", Maja Design papers, Prima Marketing flowers and a little snowflakes. It was a gift from the godmother to a baptized baby. I hope you like it.
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