četrtek, 15. december 2022

Birdhouse Cards “Gingerbread Heart” & “Christmas Wreath” / Voščilnice ptičja hišica “Medenjakovo srce” & Božični venček

Danes nadaljujem s praznično objavo voščilnic ptičja hišica. Decembra naš dom diši od različnega peciva, piškotov in hčerka že od mladih nog rada peče medenjake. Navdušila jo je učiteljica gospodinjstva, kjer so v 6. razredu prvič pekli praznične medenjake. Mene pa so očarali motivčki medenjakov kolekcije Mintay Papers “Time of Wonder”. 

Naš dom je okrašen z različnimi venčki, ki jih zelo rada naročim pri umetnici Lili iz C ART-a. Lili ima čarobne roke, saj so njeni izdelki res dih jemajoči. Njeno stran boste našli na FB. In seveda so tudi moje ptičje hišice okrašene z venčki. 

18 komentarjev:

  1. Beautiful project. Thanks for joining AYLI challenge. Elaine

  2. Wow, so beautiful! I love all the textures and findings, and such a pretty shape! Thanks so much for playing at Sparkles!

  3. Gorgeous tags!!! Thanks so much for participating in our SCRAPPING 4 FUN challenge!!! I appreciate that you play along and I enjoy visiting your blog!! Have a happy crafty day!!
    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper

  4. These are beautiful and SO sweet. I love how they are all "frosted". Just SO lovely. Thanks so much for sharing with us at The Four Seasons Challenge Blog and please stop by again soon.
    karen L, DT

  5. It's me again! I'd also like to say THANK YOU for sharing with us at Word Art Wednesday. They are SO pretty and I just adore the soft, sweet, frosted touches. Absolutely STUNNING. God bless you at Christmas and always.
    Karen L
    Word Art Wednesday
    P.S. This Wednesday starts our BIG Annual Blog Hop and Challenge and I hope that you will join us.

  6. A lovely project.
    Thank you so much for entering our challenge this week at CRAFT Challenge looking forward to see you again next challenge.
    Hugs Sheryl CRAFT DT xx

  7. Thanks so much for joining us over at CRAFT Challenge for our anything goes challenge! Hope youʻll join us again! I absolutely love your beautiful shabby chic creation.
