Že je konec meseca in ART DT članice vas v mesecu juliju razveseljujemo z izdelki za Poletje ali Počitnice. In to je tudi moj zadnji projekt kot članica ART teama in vesela sem, da sem lahko bila del tako čudovite ekipe. Za tople poletni dni sem izdelala dva osvežujoča koktajla na pladnju v mixed medii. Uporabila sem Pentart mat akrilne barve iz Trgovine ART in Bead.si, rožice iz zaloge Wild Orchid Crafts in Fabrica Dekoru papir. Upam, da vam je izdelek všeč. Uživajte v toplih poletnih dneh.
"Heeej...gospod natakar, dva koktajla prosim!"
It's almost the end of the month and for warm summer days, I made two refreshing cocktails on a serving tray in a mixed media as a ART DT member. I used Pentart acrylic colours from crafty store Trgovine ART in Bead.si, added some Wild Orchid Crafts from my stock and Fabrica Decoru papers. I hope you like my project. Enjoy the warm summer days. This is also my last project as a member of ART DT and I'm so glad I was part of such a wonderful team.
"Hey...waitress, two cocktails please!"
Challenges / Izzivi:
Kako osvežujoča koktajla si pričarala - za vsakogar nekaj. Mene so najbolj očarala barve, saj ti je vanju uspelo ujeti poletje v vsej svoji lepoti. Čarobna kreacija!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala, ker jo deliš v galeriji Scrapping4fun, vedno te je lepo srečati v njej.
Čudivt poletni dan ti želim, Majda
Svetovni projekti nastajajo pri tebi in vsak je razred zase :). Z veselejm bi tak koktajl ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow, prekrasen projekt poln poletnih sanj(arij). Čudovite barve, predvsem pa bujno cvetje, prav zares pričarajo občutek tropske plaže. Perfektna osvežitev za trenutno pasjo vročino :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiLp, V.
The best cocktail ever for warm weather! Amazing project!
OdgovoriIzbrišiLia, DT S4F
Wow so cool fantastic
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for sharing at Creative Artiste Mixed Media Challenges x
Wow! Love this project, the colours are beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us this month at Altered Eclectics, Jane (DT) :) x
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour altered glasses are so very pretty and they are arranged to prettily.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you so much for entering our challenge at Rhedd's Creative Spirit..
A beautiful project, thank you for sharing it with us at Altered Eclectics.
OdgovoriIzbrišixxx Hazel.
Čudovita koktajla s super okraski. Zelo sta mi všeč.
OdgovoriIzbrišiadorable and innovative projects adrijana. loving it.Good luck to you.Thanks for playing along with us at Scrapping 4 Fun Challenge.Hope to see you again
OdgovoriIzbrišiShylaa DT@S4F
Stunning, love all the details and colours. Pretty butterflies and flowers
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for your entry at Scrapping4funChallenges
Rachelle DT
Piękna praca :) Dziękuję za udział w wyzwaniu Studio75:) Pozdrawiam -Gosia*
OdgovoriIzbrišiWOW this is amazing, what a stunning creation, thanks for playing on a Gem of a Challenge this fortnight, Hazelxx
OdgovoriIzbrišiStunning piece of work. Thank you for Joining us at Scrapping4funChallenge and waiting to see next time.
Meena S4F DT
Hon, That’s Wow! Really Fantastic! :) Thank you for participating in the STUDIO75 challenge. Best regard