"Forever right beside you, there are no stronger ties"
Hello my dear crafty friends. Today, I have a special release for you. After a very long time, I again took the canvas in my hands and I created with mixed media. I turned the canvas, because I wanted the effect of depth. I was inspired by the February challenge on More Than Words and Lindy's Gang February colours challenge. I used a black and white photo for my main motive. The photo was taken by a professional photographer in 2013 by the river, where we had a family photo shooting. I think that the strongest ties are between brothers and sisters. And they are always with you...in the sad and happy moments. So I've used Lindy's spray Sweet Violet Purple Teat and few Magical powders: Pop Rock Purple, Raspberry Lemonade and Hibiscus Rose.
Pozdravljeni. Danes imam za vas prav posebno objavo. Po zelo dolgem času sem v roke vzela platno, ki sem ga ustvarila v mixed medii - mešani tehniki. Platno sem obrnila, ker sem želela efekt globine. Navdih sem dobila na februarskem izzivu More Than Words, kjer želijo videti besedo "Forever" in na februarskem barvnem izzivu Lindy's Gang. Za osrednji motiv sem uporabila črno-belo fotografijo mojih treh srčkov, ki jo je posnela profesionalna fotografinja Tina Brinar, na Poljani ob reki Meži leta 2013. Mislim, da so najmočnejše vezi med brati in sestrami, ki vedno stojilo ob strani...v žalostnih in srečnih trenutkih. Uporabila sem Lindy's sprej Sweet Violet Purple Teat in nekaj Magical prahcov: Pop Rock Purple, Raspberry Lemonade in Hibiscus Rose.
Challenges / Izzivi:
Prekrasen izdelek v čudovitih barvah... fantastična fotografija in res neprecenljiv spomin za otroke. Boš morala za vsakega svojo narediti, da bodo imeli nekoč v svojih domovih, ko ne bodo več pod isto streho :) Vem da je to še daleč, a še prehitro pride...
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrekrasno platno si ustvarila za svoje ❤️❤️❤️. Kot pravi Valerija, boš morala narediti še dva, da bo vsak imel svojega😉
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh this is so beautiful! What an adorable photo too. Thanks for playing along with us at More Than Words this month.
OdgovoriIzbrišiIt's superb. heart shape and texture. Everything pleases me. Thank you so much for playing along with More Than Words
OdgovoriIzbrišiSo pretty...love the fabulous monochrome look and the gorgeous play of those beautiful bf textures
Dr Sonia
Wow !! This is so rich and beautiful !! Love the texture !! Thanks for playing with us at More Than Words !! <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is stunning!!! The textures are simply amazing!! Love your work!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh my! All that texture and all that pink... absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for playing along with us at More Than Words!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSoo beautiful, so many layers and textures..its simply awesome!
OdgovoriIzbrišisimply stunning in color and design !! Love it !! thank you so much for joining us at MTW !! xoxo Heike
OdgovoriIzbrišiStunning take on our challenge this month! Just gorgeous! All the best from MTW! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAbsolutely gorgeous. Thank you so much for joining us at More than Words this month.
OdgovoriIzbrišiLove this.. so beautiful .. Thanks for playing at MMW!!
OdgovoriIzbrišistunning canvas thanks for playing at MMW